When I started looking into panniers, I was checking all the Ortlieb bags. And while they're an absolute standard among bike travelers, I could not find any that would aesthetically fit the bike. They were either colorful or shiny. So, I looked further and came to Brooks. Brooks England is best known for saddles, mine is from them as well, but they do have as well a wide selection of bags.
Brooks Scape Handlebar Bag
The first bag that I ordered was the Scape Handlebar Bag. I knew that I wanted to bring my 13-inch MacBook, but really wasn't sure how to store it. This bag was the solution. The MacBook fits perfectly in a part that is protected by neoprene. Like a glove! Additionally, it has a little organizer, where I store all important documents, like my insurance card, my passport, and my vaccination card. The rest of the bag is big enough to hold a bag of repair equipment that I needed most, new tubes, pump, etc. I could also store all my most needed cables and power bank in there. Leaving even space for my food, even though I had to squeeze the croissants every now a bit... There's also a little bag on the outside, which I used for all kinds of things that could leak.