Pontremoli, Tuscany (Italy)

Pontremoli, a town in Tuscany, Italy, fascinates with its medieval architecture and the iconic Piagnaro Castle. Nestled along the Magra River, it boasts a rich history, charming streets, and cultural allure.
Cycle routes passing Pontremoli
Weeks I stayed Pontremoli
Tue, 14. Mar 2023
IMG 0506

Really, this was hardly a day of biking. Just so very short. But the weather cleared up and I arrived quickly in Pontremoli. Small town, but it had all I needed, including an accommodation with a great view and terrace.

And a great dish of Testaroli in a very tiny restaurant. I was quite lucky that I could get a seat as it was very busy. Food was great, and even better. I had a table directly at the window to look over my bike. Couldn't get much better than that!

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Wed, 15. Mar 2023
IMG 0540 2

Windy, very windy. And the first day that I'm not just going up sometimes steep hills, but a proper pass. Not a giant, but not too easy. I got myself some candy and a banana and started. And well, while I was biking already two weeks, I was clearly not fit enough yet to just rush it.

Lucky me though, it was serpentines. And serpentines are a pleasing. One can set easy goals and has natural resting points. And what I accepted in the last few days was, I can push if it is too steep. There's no shame in that, specially when the load is heavy. And that's what I did. Slowly, but steady, I moved up.

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Mood: happy :)