Monte, Piedmont (Italy)

Monte, located in the Province of Alessandria, Piedmont, Italy, is surrounded by scenic landscapes. Known for its tranquil ambiance and historical charm, it offers a peaceful retreat in the Italian countryside.
Cycle routes passing Monte
Weeks I stayed Monte
Sat, 18. Mar 2023
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A day of firsts! The weather is slowly getting a bit warmer, so I decided to finally wear some short biking pants. One can truly say, not a beautiful sight. Handling the bike, specially when taking a train, left its marks. A lot of bruises. But well, getting a tan will help.

And another first, my first flat tire. That was constantly on my mind during the first few weeks. Everytime somebody talked about it, I didn't want to hear about it. No jinxing. I have never successfully fixed a flat tire before, the thought of it was a bit daunting!

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Sun, 19. Mar 2023
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No hills today. At all. Therefore a lot of kilometres. A tad more than 101km. The landscape is definitely less spectacular than Tuscany, but has it's own charms. Many small backroads, hardly any traffic. And an unexpected nice roll into Turin.

Only little time left in Italy, then France! Can't wait. The impact of not speaking a language is not to underestimate. While I love being on my own, I do love a bit of chit chat every now and then. Did not happen often in Italy.

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Mood: happy :)