Eichenzell, Hesse (Germany)

Eichenzell, located in Hesse, Germany, is a picturesque town surrounded by lush landscapes. Known for its historic architecture, including Adolphseck, it offers a blend of tranquility and cultural richness.
Tour deurope square

And here I am. I invited everybody to participate in my journey on a bike around Europe. And then I absolutely failed to send out regular newsletters. But I was busy, very busy. With biking, eating, setting up my tent, and biking a bit more. Every day.

Now I’m back. I biked more than 11.000km and climbed almost 90km upwards. A total of more than 150 days of biking. From Rome to Nizza, to Nantes, to Calais, to Land’s End, to Inverness, up to the Shetland Islands and back. And I had a lot of fun. And gained quite some strength. I learned that I don’t need a lot to be happy.

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Sat, 9. Sep 2023
Mon, 31. Jul 2023
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What a day! It all started nice, with cake and bretzel! I decided to go to the edge of the Black Forest, instead of following the Rhine. Very beautiful area. Lots of small allotments, vineyards and great views on the Rhine valley. I had planned a rather short day. On a break I looked at a news site and that changed my plans. Super heavy rain was announced on my way to cologne. So, I wondered what best to do. If I would go towards cologne it would be useless to take a train there as my brother was still on vacation. So I looked for trains to my hometown. All was booked for bikes, only one very early the next day was available. Decided to bike to Karlsruhe and take that early train. I had some Käsespätzle and Maultaschen and then spent the night in the train station. Pretty unpleasant, but very much not worthwhile to spend money on a hotel for such a short night. Once I arrived in Fulda, I biked to my home village in heavy rain and took a warm shower.

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Sat, 5. Aug 2023
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En route to Cologne! A tiny bit strange to bike from your hometown to the next destination. But great to see areas you know roughly well through that lense. Even though I hardly know the vogelsberg, but the names I know well. Today no rain, only a bit of fog in the morning, that will change though.

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Mood: happy :)