This is the part where I sort of fell in love with the Via Cassia. It is not a cycle path, but rather a small country road, at least in some parts. As mentioned earlier, I find the Italian drivers quite courteous, specially on these smaller roads. One thing that I now use as a rule of thumb. If the route is straight, try to avoid. Drivers will be fast and rush through. If it has many turns, take it. It's usually a lot easier to get up because of the turns and the cars can't go fast. That's just what I'm doing, but so far it works for me.
Read onA fun day! Starting in the fog and abandoning the EV5 route again for the Via Cassia. I was sitting at the bottom of the climb to Radicofani for quite some time. Chatting a bit, smoking a bit and preparing myself mentally. And while it's always quite a big pain to go up a mountain, it's most of the time very rewarding once you made it. That was definitely the case here as well.
Looking at the widget below, it doesn't look steep. But it was a good hour of pushing the bike up. No way that I would be pedalling. And actually pushing is a solid workout as well. At least when your bike is roughly 45kg.
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